
Inkscape是一款开源矢量绘图编辑器,功能类似于Adobe IllustratorCorel DrawFreehandXara X。它的特别之处在于采用了可缩放矢量图形(SVG)作为原始格式。

Inkscape源自2003年 Sodipodi项目的克隆开发。最初由Sodipodi的成员Bryce Harrington、MenTaLguY、Nathan Hurst、Ted Gould创建。







  • 界面语言由默认英文变为中文

    菜单 Edit > Preference… (Shif+Ctrl+p) > Interface > Language 选择 Chinese



SPC + Mouse 挪动画布
+ 放大
- 缩小


s 选择
r 矩形
b Bezier画笔
n 编辑节点
d 选择颜色
t 文字
g 梯度


v 竖向翻转
h 水平翻转
Ctrl + g 群组
Shift + Ctrl + g 解除群组


Shift + Ctrl + C 对象转变为路径
Shift + Alt + C 描边转变为路径
Ctrl+ + 并集
Ctrl+ - 差集
Ctrl+ * 交集
Ctrl+ ^ 互斥
Ctrl+ K 合并
Shift + Ctrl+ K 分离


Shift + Ctrl + F 填充和画笔
Shift + Ctrl + W 色盘
Shift + Ctrl + T 文字和字体
Shift + Ctrl + M 变形
Shift + Ctrl + L 图层
Shift + Ctrl + A 对齐
Shift + Ctrl + O 对象属性
Shift + Ctrl + H 撤销历史
Shift + Ctrl + D 文档属性
Shift + Ctrl + P 偏好设定
Shift + Ctrl + E 输出PNG


Shift + Ctrl + F 填充和画笔


Inkscape tutorial: Basic

From: Inkscape tutorial: Basic | Inkscape

Panning the canvas

  • Ctrl + arrow
  • Ctrl + B show/hide scrollbars
  • mouse wheel: scrolling vertically
  • Shift + mouse wheel: scroll horizontally

Zooming in or out

  • - / + or =
  • Shift + rightclick zoom out
  • Ctrl + rightclick zoom in
  • Ctrl + wheel zoom out and in

Inkscape tools

Creating and managing documents

  • Ctrl + N create a new empty document
  • Ctrl + Alt + N create a new document from one of Inkscape’s many templates
  • Ctrl + O open an existing SVG document
  • Ctrl + S save
  • Shift + Ctrl + S save under a new name
  • Alt + Tab navigate among windows

Creating shapes

  • shape tools
  • Tool Controls bar
  • Ctrl + Z undo your last action
  • Shift + Ctrl + Z redo the undone action

Moving, scaling, rotating

  • Selector or S 选择工具
  • SPC toggle the tool
  • mouse dragging move the selected object
  • Ctrl + mouse dragging restrict movement to horizontal and vertical
  • dragging any handle Scale the object
  • Ctrl + dragging any handle preserve the original height/width ratio
  • s + click the rectangle again 选择后再点击对象,变为旋转变形模式
  • dragging the corner handles Rotate the object
  • Ctrl + dragging the corner handles restrict rotation to 15 degree steps, Drag the cross mark to position the center of rotation.
  • dragging non-corner handles Skew (shear) the object
  • Ctrl + dragging non-corner handles restrict skewing to 15 degree steps.

Transforming by keys

  • arrow or Shift + arrow move by 2px, with Shift move 10 times of 2 px
  • < or > scale, with Ctrl scale up or down by 200% or 50%
  • [ or ] rotate by 15 degrees, with Ctrl by 90 degrees
  • all transforming action with Alt act with 1 screen pixel

Multiple selections

  • Shift + left clicking object select simultaneously
  • left clicking and drag rubberband selection With Shift always create the rubberband.
  • Shift + left clicking excludes it from the selection
  • Esc deselects all selected objects.
  • Ctrl + A selects all objects in the current layer


  • select one or more objects + Ctrl + G create a group
  • Ctrl + U ungroup one or more groups
  • Ctrl + left clicking selected and editable alone
  • Shift + Ctrl + left clicking to select or edit several objects

Fill and stroke

  • Shift + Ctrl + W open the Swatches dialog
  • Shift + Ctrl + F open Fill and Stroke dialog

Duplication, alignment, distribution

  • Ctrl + D duplicating an object
  • Shift + Ctrl + A align and distribution


The term z-order refers to the stacking order of objects in a drawing, i.e. to which objects are on top of other objects, and cover them, so the bottom objects are not (completely) visible.

  • PageUp raise the selected object one step
  • PageDn lower one step

Selecting under and dragging selected

  • Alt + left clicking cycle through the entire z-order stack of objects at the click point.

Selecting similar objects

  • select the target object

  • menu: Edit > Select Same > …


Inkscape tutorial: Shapes


You can always convert a shape to a path(Shift + Ctrl + C), but the reverse conversion is not possible.

General tips

A new shape is created by dragging on canvas with the corresponding tool. Once the shape is created (and so long as it is selected), it displays its handles as white diamond, square or round marks (depending on the tools), so you can immediately edit what you created by dragging these handles.

All four kinds of shapes display their handles in all four shape tools as well as in the Node tool (F2). When you hover your mouse over a handle, it tells you in the statusbar what this handle will do when dragged or clicked with different modifiers.

All four kinds of shapes display their handles in all four shape tools as well as in the Node tool (F2). When you hover your mouse over a handle, it tells you in the statusbar what this handle will do when dragged or clicked with different modifiers.

When in a shape tool, selecting an object can be done by clicking on it. Ctrl+click (select in group) and Alt+click (select under) also work as they do in Selector tool. Esc deselects.


  • With Ctrl, draw a square or an integer-ratio (2:1, 3:1, etc) rectangle.
  • With Shift, draw around the starting point as center.
  • 2 resize handles + rounding handles
  • 1 rounding handle stayed and move the other
  • Ctrl + double click on one rounding handle
  • Scale with Scale rounded corners off
  • Scale with stroke off

Here are the shortcuts for the rounding handles of a rectangle:

  • Drag with Ctrl to make the other radius the same (circular rounding).
  • Ctrl+click to make the other radius the same without dragging.
  • Shift+click to remove rounding.

Rectangle tool’s Controls bar with horizontal (Rx) and vertical (Ry) rounding radii and you may set multiple rectangles with such parameters together.


  • With Ctrl, draw a circle or an integer-ratio (2:1, 3:1, etc.) ellipse.
  • With Shift, draw around the starting point as center.
  • The rightmost handle is two overlapping handles that let you “open” the ellipse.
  • To get a segment (an arc plus two radii), drag outside the ellipse; to get an arc, drag inside it.


  • Set shape with Controls bar
  • Drag with Ctrl to snap the angle to 15 degree increments.


  • Ctrl+drag to snap angle to 15 degree increments.
  • Once drawn, a spiral has two handles at its inner and outer ends. Both handles, when simply dragged, roll or unroll the spiral (i.e. “continue” it, changing the number of turns).



Inkscape tutorial: Advanced

From: Inkscape tutorial: Advanced | Inkscape

Pasting techniques

  • Copy objects: Ctrl + C
  • Cut objects: Ctrl + X
  • Regular paste command: Ctrl + V
    • right under the mouse cursor
    • or to the center of the document window if the cursor is outside the window
  • Paste back there copied or cut: Ctrl + Alt + V
  • Paste style to the current object: Ctrl + Shift + V
  • Paste size from menu.
  • Clipboard is system-wide

Drawing freehand and regular paths

  • Pencil (freehand) tool: F6
  • Pen (Bezier) tool: Shift + F6
  • Shift + dragging out a hand: rotate only one handle and fix the other.
  • Ctrl: limits the direction of either the current line segment or the Bezier handles to 15 degree increments.
  • Enter: finalizes the line
  • Esc: cancels it.
  • Backspace: To cancel only the last segment of an unfinished line

Editing paths

  • A path is a sequence of straight line segments and/or Bezier curves.
  • A path can be edited by freely dragging any of its nodes (not just predefined handles) or by directly dragging a segment of the path.
